Volunteer Signup / Resources

We are currently seeking volunteers to join our team. Disaster relief, STEM education, and public visibility are our main focus at this time.

MOVE Training

Red Cross Requirements for MOVE Volunteers

There is often confusion about the requirements for MOVE volunteers with respect to American Red Cross and training requirements. To become a MOVE volunteer, you should sign up here: https://forms.gle/4YZz31xmC9gtPUfJ7

Volunteers who want to deploy for non-disaster STEM deployments are only required to take the IEEE MOVE Operations class. This will allow you to deploy on non-disaster deployments, such as STEM or Public visibility
events. These classes are held periodically and notice of them will be posted on our social media channels and sent to individuals who have expressed interest via the MOVE volunteer interest form.

If you want to deploy to disaster deployments with MOVE and the Red Cross, you must have the following:

  • Red Cross volunteer ID
  • Red Cross “DST” GAP
  • Red Cross DST 101 classes
  • IEEE MOVE Operation class

Obtain the Red Cross volunteer ID by becoming a Red Cross volunteer (visit https://www.redcross.org/volunteer/become-avolunteer.html).

The Group/Activity/Position (GAP) is a classification of what type of Red Cross work you would like to do. DST is the “Disaster Services Technology” group which delivers technology solutions at disasters. Red Cross has many other GAPs which you are welcome to join, but only DST is required for MOVE. The DST group has a DST 101 class that normally is 7 classes given 1/week by WebEx. Specific class schedules are available by contacting DS*@re******.org.

The American Red Cross is a volunteer organization like IEEE. The Red Cross may engage you to be involved with many Red Cross activities. You are welcome to participate as much as you like but MOVE only requires that you have the above requirements.

As there are many Red Cross offices nationwide, many are not familiar with IEEE-USA’s MOVE Initiative. If your local Red Cross office does not know about MOVE, we can provide additional information. Please contact d.******@ie**.org for assistance.

The following online FEMA classes (https://training.fema.gov/nims/) are recommended, but not required:

  • ICS-100
  • ICS-200
  • ICS-700
  • ICS-800

Driver Training

Please note that IEEE has additional training requirements for drivers. To express an interest in being an IEEE MOVE driver, please contact me*******@ie**.org . There are a limited number of drivers and it requires multiple disaster deployments with MOVE before you are eligible.
Thank you for your interest in IEEE-USA’s MOVE Community Outreach Initiative and we hope this helps clarify the requirements to participate.

For more information, contact Grayson Randall, IEEE senior member/MOVE Operations lead at g.*******@ie**.org.

MOVE Training Class at SoutheastCon 2019 – 14 April 2019