05/16/2017 (Deployment Completed) -Thanks to the IEEE-USA MOVE team for their support while the truck has been deployed. Also, thanks to the American Red Cross and supporting agencies for the amazing job they do to support the disaster victims. It is an honor to work with them.
The IEEE-USA MOVE truck was toured by many people the last 2 weeks. Everyone has been very impressed and very thankful for the service we provide. Thanks again for all your support!
05/13/2017 – Completing our last assignment today in Manchester Missouri. Get a day off and head home on Monday for a 2-day drive.
05/12/2017 – IEEE-USA MOVE truck is in Manchester, Missouri today at the United Methodist church for a MARC*. We are supplying public internet access on the truck and running a private network for the Red Cross. Wonderful facility and 20 agencies supporting people that have been affected by flooding.
* A MARC is a Multi-Agency Resource Center (Multiple Federal, State and local agencies gather at a single location to provide a variety of services to people affected by recent flooding).
05/11/2017 – In Ellington, Missouri at a MARC (Multi-Agency Resource Center) IEEE-USA MOVE supplies internet and power for 20 agencies including the Red Cross. This tiny town had over 12 inches of rain in 24 hours which caused tremendous damage.
05/07/2017 – Yesterday, the IEEE-USA MOVE team finished satellite setup and helped make several changes to Red Cross headquarters network configuration. They spent a long time planning the next week’s MARC events and loading the truck with equipment. Nearly 20 Multi-Agency Resource Centers will be in operation over the next 10 days. Scheduling the locations, travel times, and dates/times across 4 teams was a big challenge.
The MOVE truck was assigned a route starting in Anderson, Missouri which is the very southwest point in Missouri. They will work their way across the state over the next week. Sunday they head for the field to work directly with people affected by the flooding.
05/06/2017 – The IEEE-USA MOVE truck is currently at Red Cross headquarters in St. Louis. Yesterday, Brian Greene and Grayson Randall helped set up communications at a Red Cross warehouse. The team is also working on communications for the headquarters including setting up a ground based satellite dish.
Tomorrow the plan is to use the MOVE truck at a series of Multi-Agency Resource Centers (Multiple federal, state, and local agencies meet at a single location to support programs to assist people affected by the flooding).
The MOVE truck will provide Red Cross provided equipment, communications, and support for several of these 1 or 2-day events scattered around the affected areas.
05/05/2017 – The IEEE-USA MOVE truck arrived in St. Louis yesterday afternoon after driving 852 miles. The current plan is for MOVE to provide internet access for a series of 1-day multi-vendor meetings.
The status of river flooding and shelters is still changing. Red Cross working on setting up shelters. We’ll keep you apprised of the MOVE team’s efforts as they develop.
NOTE: The MOVE truck has been canceled from the public visibility events on May 10 (RDU), and May 11 (Wilmington).
05/04/2017 – Yesterday the IEEE-USA MOVE truck was deployed by the Red Cross and headed to St. Louis to help with flood relief efforts. They will arrive in St.Louis later today.
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MOVE is funded by donations like yours. Your support is greatly appreciated. Please consider helping the MOVE Community Outreach program by donating to the cause.
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Red Cross Flood Safety Information