Thank you to our generous supporters! Without your help, this dream would never have been accomplished!
We are proud to recognize the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES). as a leading sponsor for their generous investment in the MOVE initiative. The IEEE Power & Energy Society is the leading provider of scientific and engineering information on electric power & energy for the betterment of society and the preferred professional development source for our members.
PES joins Cisco Meraki as a patron that has donated at least a $25,000 to support this endeavor. Cisco Meraki is the system we use to manage all our internet traffic. In addition, to providing internet access, the team continued to provide IT support to relief workers.
Sponsorship Information
IEEE’s Community Outreach Initiative (MOVE) relies on the generosity of sponsors to operate. Your donations mean so much to those supported by IEEE programs that enhance technology access, literacy and education, and the IEEE professional community. With your help, lives will be transformed through the power of technology and education.
Please consider making a donation today to help us continue to provide disaster relief and STEM education outreach. Donors will be recognized in the print and electronic IEEE Foundation Honor Roll of Donors if they contribute $100 or more unless they wish to make their donation anonymously.
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Thank you!